Talk show segmentation system based on Twitter using K-medoids clustering algorithm
twitter segmentation, k-medoids clustering, cosine similarity, data transformation, silhouette coefficientAbstract
Innovations on a talk show on television can be a threat. Audience will be divided into groups so that it can make a downgrade rating program. Program ratings affect companies that will use advertising services. Television companies will go bankrupt. The biggest source of income is sales of advertising services. One way to overcome them can be analyzed in public opinion. The results of the analysis can provide information about the attractiveness of the community towards the program. But the analysis process takes a long time and can be done only by a competent person so another process is needed to get the results of the analysis that is fast and can be done by anyone. In this study using K-Medoids Clustering in the process of identifying public opinion. The clustering process known as unsupervised learning will be combined with the labeling process. The previous episode's tweet data will be labeled and then used to obtain the predicted labels from other cluster members. Before going through the clustering stage, the tweet data will go through the text preprocessing stage then transformed into a numeric form based on the appearance of the word. Transformation data will be clustered by calculating proximity using Cosine Similarity. Labels from the Medoids cluster will be used on unlabeled tweet data. The cluster results were tested using the Silhouette Coefficient method to get 0.19 results. However, this method successfully predicted public opinion and achieved an accuracy of 80%.
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