Publication Ethics and Malpractice Statement
Publication Ethics and Malpractice Statement of Jurnal Pendidikan Teknologi Kejuruan is guided by:
- Peraturan Menteri Pendidikan, Kebudyaan, Riset dan Teknologi Republik Indonesia Nomor 39 Tahun 2021 Tentang Integrasi Akademik Dalam Menghasilkan Karya Ilmiah (Regulation of the Minister of Education, Culture, Research and Technology of the Republic of Indonesia Number 39 of 2021 concerning Academic Integration in Scientific Paper).
- Peraturan Rektor Universitas Negeri Padang Nomor: 6058 Tahun 2018 Tentang Publikasi Artikel Ilmiah (Regulation of Rector of Universitas Negeri Padang No 6058/2018 concerning Scientific Article Publication)
- Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE)
- World Association of Medical Editors (WAME)
- International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE)
- Consolidated Standards of Reporting Trials (CONSORT)
A. Ethical Guideline for Journal Publication
- All parties that involved in manuscript published authors, journal editors, reviewers and publishers) agree on the publishing policy of Universitas Negeri Padang.
- Universitas Negeri Padang as publisher commits to do not influence the editor's decision in publishing manuscripts.
- Published manuscripts must be protected from defamation, copyright infringement, plagiarism and violation of law.
- Published manuscripts must be reviewed by reviewers before publication. This is an effort to support the quality of published manuscripts, so they will be beneficial for readers or users of research results.
- To avoid the conflict of interest, editor in chief, managing editor, section editor dan copy editor are not allowed to provide information to the authors about reviewers who review their manuscript, or reverse.
- The editorial decisions are on the grounds of suitability for the journal scope, impact and overall quality of the manuscript.
B. Responsibilities and rights of Editors
Role of editor
- The Editor in Chief has a role as the highest decision-maker in managing the Jurnal Pendidikan Teknologi Kejuruan journal and publishing manuscripts.
- The Editor in Chief assigns the Managing Editor in handling editor who delivers manuscripts to the section editor for initial assessment. The managing editor arranges the schedule for publishing manuscripts by communicating and asking the decisions from the Editor in Chief regarding the final decision of manuscripts to be published, based on remarks and recommendations from the section editors and reviewers.
- Section editor has a role as an initial assessor and communicator between author and reviewers related to manuscript assessment, revision, recommendation and comment. Section editor will make the better decision to be published by suggesting to Managing Editor and Editor in Chief. Section Editor can reject the manuscript, if they do not fulfil the established manuscript criteria by Jurnal Pendidikan Teknologi Kejuruan, both in initial assessment and after review process.
- Copy Editor has a role as layout editing for lay-outing the manuscript to the template, checking the references and grammar, and changing the file format being PDF for publication, it will be published online or printed out.
Publication Decisions
Jurnal Pendidikan Teknologi Kejuruan section editor has a responsibility to make a decision on which manuscript will be published. In this part, editor can discuss with reviewers in making a decision of which manuscript will be published. The manuscript that has been approved by section editor for lay-outing template, grammar, references checking and changing the file format of .DOC being .PDF, and it will be delivered to the managing editor to be published. The Managing Editor will arrange the publication schedule according to the manuscript’s queue. If the manuscript quota in an issue has been fulfilled (max. 15 manuscripts), the manuscript will be published in the next issue. The final decision on publication will be fully handled by Editor in Chief.
Fair Play
In manuscript evaluation, each editor is not allowed to consider the author based on race, gender, sexual orientation, region, ethnicity, nationality or political view.
The Managing Editor is not allowed to provide information about the manuscript being reviewed by section editor or reviewers to anyone.
Involvement and cooperation in investigations
The editor has to take sufficiently responsive steps when an ethical complaint is reported concerning to manuscript that has been published by Jurnal Pendidikan Teknologi Kejuruan. When it took place, Managing Editor will communicate it with authors, discuss it with Editorial Board and give consideration of the reported complaints by readers. The necessary action that will be conducted by Editor; publication revision, manuscript revocation or another relevant actions. Any unethical action/behavior that reported will be examined, even for a manuscript that has been published for years.
Disclosure and conflicts of interest
- Manuscript material or data that has been submitted by authors to Jurnal Pendidikan Teknologi Kejuruan and those that are not published in the final manuscript are not allowed to be employed by Editor on their own manuscript without the author’s permission.
- Information or idea that obtained from review process has to be concealed and it is not allowed to be employed for personal gain.
- Editors that published their manuscript in Jurnal Pendidikan Teknologi Kejuruan, will be not involved in examining the manuscript. The manuscript will be processed by other editor and decisions for publishing the manuscript according to suitability for the journal scope, impact and overall quality of the manuscript. It is conducted to avoid a conflict of interest.
C. Responsibilities and Rights of Reviewers
Contribution to Editorial Decisions
Reviewers assist Editor in making the decision of accepting or rejecting the manuscript to be published in the Jurnal Pendidikan Teknologi Kejuruan Journal.
Reviewers can respond to the manuscript reviewing request according to the arranged time or if they need more time for review process, reviewers can communicate it to the editor. If reviewers cannot allow to accomplish the review process in the arranged time, reviewers have to communicate it to the Editor, and the manuscript will be delivered to another reviewer.
Each submitted manuscript for reviewing has to be concealed, it is not allowed to be communicated or discussed with anyone unless authorized by the editor.
Standards of objectivity
The review process has to be conducted objectively, to avoid inappropriate personal criticism of the author. Reviewers have to describe their straightforward view that is suitable to the manuscript topic and provide the supporting statement.
Acknowledgement of sources
The reviewers have to identify the relevant published manuscript that has not been cited by author. Each statement such as observation, derivation or argument has been reported before, it has to be supported by the relevant citation. Reviewers also report to the Editor concerning substantial similarities or overlaps between manuscript under consideration and published manuscript in another journal.
Disclosure and conflict of interest
Manuscript materials or data that have been submitted by the author toJurnal Pendidikan Teknologi Kejuruan and those are not published in the final manuscript are not allowed to be employed by reviewers on their own manuscript without the author’s permission. Information or idea that obtained from the review process has to be concealed and it is not allowed to be employed for personal gain. In manuscript evaluation, each reviewer is not allowed to consider the author based on race, gender, sexual orientation, region, ethnicity, nationality or political view.
D. Responsibilities and rights of Authors
Reporting Standards
Authors have to depict the accuracy report concerning to originality of conducted research and objective discussion of its significance. Authors have to present results honestly, without manipulation, falsification or manipulation of inappropriate data. All citations have to be referenced and they can be traced, so others can learn them as well. Fraudulent or intentionally inaccurate statements are unethical behavior and unacceptable.
Data Access, Retention and Reproducibility
Authors have to deliberate in providing raw data concerning to manuscript and giving access to the public as well. It is if needed for Editor review. Authors are also requested to save those data for a reasonable time after publication. Authors have to be responsible for reproducibility data.
Originality and Plagiarism
Authors ensure that they had written the full originality manuscript. The manuscript that has been published by other researchers or the author themselves have to cite well. Original words that are directly cited from publications by other authors have to appear in quotation marks with appropriate citations.
Multiple, Redundant, or Concurrent Publications
The authors do not allow submitting the manuscript with the same research to more than one publisher and journal. Submitting the same manuscript to more than one journal simultaneously is unethical and unacceptable publishing behavior. Manuscript that produced from the research projects must have differences in the presented data.
Acknowledgement of Sources
Authors have to recognize the data sources employed in research and cite the relevant journal and influential publication in determining the characteristics of the submitted manuscript. The proper acknowledgement of other works must be presented.
Authorship and Contributorship of the Paper
Research publication contributorship has to accurately present individual contributions toward their work and report. Contributorship should be limited to the authors that have a significant contribution to the conception, design, implementation or study interpretation that reported. Other people that have significant contributions must be registered as author partners. In this case, which main contributor is registered as the main author, while the author who less substantial, or purely technical contribution will be presented at the acknowledgement. The main author also ensures all of the authors have observed and approved the manuscript and included their names as co-authors.
Fundamental Errors in Published Works
If authors find mistakes or significant inaccuracies in the submitted manuscript, so they have to communicate it to Editor or publisher and make a cooperation with Editor to retract or revise the manuscript.
Hazards and Human or Animal Subjects
If research material involves chemicals, humans, animals, procedures or tools with uncommon dangers when using it, research has to identify it clearly in the manuscript to fulfil the research ethic on using animals and humans.
Disclosure and Conflicts of Interest
All authors have to clearly describe their financial or other substantive conflicts of interest in the manuscript which might be interpreted to influence the result or interpretation of their manuscript. All funding sources for the research project have to be presented in manuscript.
E. Allegation of Research Misconduct
Research misconducts cover severe problems such as fabrication, citation manipulation, or plagiarism in the generating, carrying out, or reviewing research and writing articles, or reporting findings. When research misconduct occurs regarding articles published in scientific journals, the Editor is responsible for ensuring the correctness and integrity of scientific records. The Editorial team adheres to employ the best practice of COPE to investigate the allegation of research misconduct. It also employs solving complaints and dealing with such misconduct fairly. This will include an investigation into allegations by the Editor.
Submission will be rejected if it is indicated research misconduct. In case, if it has occurred to the published article, that article will be removed/deleted from the journal and will be attached to the original article. Some steps are obtained to investigate the research misconduct. As the first step, the validity of the allegation is determined. In this step, the article will be evaluated whether the allegation is relevant to the term research misconduct. If an article is suspected of research misconduct, the Editor will notify the corresponding author and request the authors to respond to the allegation.
After the Editor received the response, it will be evaluated for taking further decisions. For other cases where research misconduct will not be impossible to occur, either clarification or additional analysis, or both, issued as a letter to the editor. The letter also includes an amended notification and an amendment to the published article is sufficient.
Appropriate and comprehensive investigations should be conducted by institutions on allegations of research misconduct or allegation of scientific morality. Authors, Editors, and institutions must be responsible to ensure scientific integrity. Jurnal Pendidikan Teknologi Kejuruan concerns about scientific and research misconduct allegations. Therefore, Jurnal Pendidikan Teknologi Kejuruan adheres to ensuring the validity and integrity of published articles. Amendments, removal with article substitution, and permanent removal from the journal will be addressed to the article that has been allegation suspected.
F. Complaints and Appeals
Jurnal Pendidikan Teknologi Kejuruan has a clear procedure to manage any complaints to the journal, editorial board, or publisher. Those will be clarified to whom it may concern. The complaints cover anything related to the article matters such as editorial process, manipulation of citations, improper editor/reviewer, manipulation of per-review, etc. Complaints will be proceed based on COPE guidelines.
G. Ethical Oversight
If research material involves chemicals, humans, animals, procedures or tools with uncommon dangers when using it, research has to identify it clearly in the manuscript to fulfil the research ethic on using animals and humans. If necessary, researchers have to provide ethics law permission from a law association or organization.
If research involves confidential data and business/marketing practices, researchers have to clearly justify whether data or information will be safely hidden or not.
H. Intellectual Property (Copyrights Policy)
Here the policy of Jurnal Pendidikan Teknologi Kejuruan intellectual property or copyrights is described.
I. Peer-Review Process Policy
The review process will consider the novelty, objectivity, method, scientific effect, conclusion and reference. Reviewers' remarks (comments) will be delivered to authors for necessary action and feedback. The Editorial Board will evaluate the reviewer’s comments and deliver the final decision regarding the submission based on the reviewers' recommendation. The peer review process/policy is described here.
J. Plagiarism Screening Policy
Jurnal Pendidikan Teknologi Kejuruan will immediately investigate and reject manuscript that leads to plagiarism or self-plagiarism. Jurnal Pendidikan Teknologi Kejuruan Editorial Board will ensure that each published manuscript has a maximum 20% similarity index. The plagiarism screening policy is described here.
K. Post-Publication Discussions and Corrections
Jurnal Pendidikan Teknologi Kejuruan accepts discussions and corrections of the published manuscript by readers. Readers involve in discussions and corrections to published manuscripts. Readers can email the Editor in Chief by explaining the discussions and corrections. If accepted (by the Editor in Chief), the discussion and corrections will be published in the next issue as a Letter to the Editor. The authors can reply/answer discussions and corrections from readers by sending a Reply Letter to the Editor in Chief. Therefore, the Editor can publish the answer as a Reply Letter to the Editor.
L. Manuscript Withdrawal Policy
Standards for handling manuscript withdrawals, manuscript deletion, and manuscript replacement in the Jurnal Pendidikan Teknologi Kejuruan Policy can be found here.