Pendidikan Teknologi Kejuruan2025-02-24T16:52:14+00:00Rahmat Azis Journal Systems<p style="text-align: justify;"><strong>About the Journal</strong></p> <p style="text-align: justify;">Jurnal Pendidikan Teknologi Kejuruan aims to present high-quality and relevant scientific articles in the form of original research results in the field of Technical and Vocational Education and Training. By showcasing the latest... <a href="">View full aims & scope</a></p> students future career intention in the hotel industry: The impact of implementing the certified internship program2024-12-09T04:36:19+00:00Feri Salehuddin Mohd<p>This scholarly investigation examines the effect of hotel hallmarks of the hotel industry, service quality of internship and internship satisfaction on undergraduate hotel management students' future career intentions in the hotel industry. A quantitative approach through a cross-sectional study with a self-reported survey questionnaire was undertaken. The sample and the unit of analysis is among hotel management students from Universitas Negeri Padang, West Sumatera, Indonesia who had undergone internships program. The study employs Partial-least Square-Structural Equation Modelling (PLS-SEM) in response to the hypotheses. The results clearly demonstrated that hallmarks of the hotel industry (less pleasant work environments, heavy job responsibilities, slow career development opportunities, and less recognition of work achievement) did not possess negative impact on hospitality interns’ students future career intentions in the hotel industry. Hotel internship service quality and internship satisfaction strongly influence hospitality interns’ students future career intentions in the hotel industry. The findings manifestly provide valuable insights and far-reaching consequences for students, hospitality institutions, industry stakeholders and policymakers.</p>2025-02-24T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2025 Feri Ferdian, Asmar Yulastri, Mohd Salehuddin Mohd Zahari, Hijriyantomi Suyuthie, Pasaribu Pasaribu control structure and branching learning with flipbook-based e-module for software engineering students2024-12-19T21:29:09+00:00Ria Febriantiriafebrianti363@gmail.comTuwoso Nur Hidayatwahyu2bdfuture@gmail.comYurike<p>This research highlights the significance of developing innovative learning media to enhance effective learning for class X Software Engineering (RPL) students at SMK Negeri 4 Malang. The study addresses the need to improve student engagement and deepen understanding of concepts, particularly in Control Structure and Branching material. The primary objective is to create an interactive and innovative Flipbook-based e-module as practicum media to support the learning process. Using the Research and Development (R&D) method with the ADDIE model (Analyze, Design, Develop, Implement, Evaluate), this research employs a systematic and structured approach in developing learning products. The Flipbook-based e-module achieved a feasibility score of 90% from material experts and 97.5% from media experts, indicating its high validity and feasibility. During the trial phase, the e-module obtained feasibility score of 89% from a small group and 90% from a large group, resulting in an average feasibility score of 89.5%. These findings demonstrate that the Flipbook-based e-module is highly suitable for implementation in the Vocational Basics subject for class X RPL students at SMK Negeri 4 Malang. Additionally, the small group test showed a student learning motivation score of 85.4%, while the large group test yielded 87%, with an average of 86.2%. This indicates that the developed product significantly supports students’ learning motivation, proving its high validity in improving engagement and understanding. These results affirm the Flipbook-based e-module is potential as an effective learning tool for vocational education.</p>2025-02-24T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2025 Ria Febrianti, Tuwoso Tuwoso, Wahyu Nur Hidayat, Yurike Wardani of factors influencing students' participation in national and international competitions2025-02-02T08:59:00+00:00Putri Bunga Setiasetiaputribungasetia@gmail.comAndre Indrawanautoitss@yahoo.comRizky Ema Kuralbayevna<p>Higher education plays an important role in preparing students to become competent and competitive individuals. Furthermore, participating in academic competitions is a strategic means to foster innovative, collaborative, and competitive skills. This study employed Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) using Smart PLS (Partial Least Squares) software, a statistical technique suitable for analyzing complex relationships between variables. The analysis process involved two stages: measurement model and structural model. The analysis showed that the T-statistic for peer influence was 2.549, exceeding the threshold of 1.96, with a p-value of 0.011, below the 0.05 threshold for statistical significance. Similarly, the T-statistic for family influence was 3.803, also exceeding 1.96, with a p-value of 0.000, indicating a highly significant relationship. These findings highlight the important role of external factors, especially peer and family influence, in motivating students to participate in national and international competitions. Therefore, educational institutions need to implement targeted strategies to increase students’ motivation and encourage active involvement in these competitions.</p>2025-02-24T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2025 Putri Bunga Setia, Andre Kurniawan, Rizky Ema Wulansari, Eko Indrawan, Gulzhaina Kuralbayevna Kassymova and its relationship toward information and communication technology competency among vocational engineering students2025-02-02T12:46:43+00:00Rinaldi Gemala Sariputrigemalasari1984@gmail.comMohd Isa<p class="AuthorEmail" style="text-align: justify;">There are gaps between vocational engineering curricula and industry competency needs, especially in information and communication technology (ICT) competency. However, limited studies have been conducted on factors affecting ICT competency among vocational engineering students, particularly attitudes toward ICT utilization. Thus, this study aims to determine the attitude and the relationship toward ICT competency among vocational engineering students based on the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology II (UTAUT II). It was conducted in Higher Education Institutions in West Sumatera, Indonesia. It was a survey study with a quantitative method that used one set of questionnaires to collect data. Respondents are 805, covering first-year and last-year students enrolled in those institutions by purposive sampling. Data were analyzed descriptively for mean and standard deviation, and inferentially by employing Pearson Correlation. Findings showed that the ICT competency among vocational engineering students was lower than their attitude toward ICT utilization. A high attitude only is not enough to support the competency. Thus, this study can be used as a guide by the relevant authorities such as the Ministry of Education Affairs to take action to enhance the ICT competency among vocational engineering students from other aspects.</p>2025-02-24T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2025 Rinaldi Rinaldi, Putri Gemala Sari, Mohd Isa Hamzah, Masnaini Alimin passive to critical consumption: The role of educational content in short videos to improve students' critical thinking skills2025-02-04T08:10:13+00:00Fathir Erizonnelvi_erizon@yahoo.comJasman<p>The engaging and personalized nature from short video makes it quickly popular, yet concerns persist about their potential to diminish critical thinking skills. This study investigates whether short videos with educational content can improve students' critical thinking skills. Using a quasi-experiment method, Thirty-three participants were divided into control and experimental groups, with critical thinking measured using the Holistic Critical Thinking Scoring Rubric (HCTSR) based on essay analysis in pretest and posttest. After administering educational short videos to the experimental group, the results showed that there was an increase in students' critical thinking skills, shown by the result of controlling the pretest variable through the ANCOVA test with a p-value of <0.001. The result highlights the potential of educational short videos as tools for fostering critical thinking by providing interventions which prioritize treatment fidelity through standardized protocols (SOPs) for content delivery, validating assessment tools, and structuring content design. Recommendations for future research include larger sample sizes, repeated data collection at strategic intervals, and rigorous validation of question complexity.</p>2025-02-24T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2025 Fathir Aspar, Refdinal Refdinal, Nelvi Erizon, Jasman Jasman, Irzal Irzal, Yufrizal A